Found: 1996-97
Line-up: Raine (bass), Riku (drums),
Timo (guitar)
Released: Songs that time forgot 7"
´97 & You go where you belong 7" ´00
Description: instrumental, rhythmic,
tempo variations, breaks, distorted bass, clean guitar, kinky?
Activity: criminally lazy, basically none
Gigs: none
Ex-name: Publick Lost (change a stupid
name to another-principle)
Contact: kissankusi (a)
Link: Kissankusi
Recorded history from ´90 to ´02 (in finnish):
DEMO 1990
-kaikki 11 kappaletta äänitetty Kauhajoen Evankelisen
Opiston studiossa 6/90 Kari Mäkirannan ja Jyrki Männikön
vääntäessä nappuloita.
-Instrumenteissa: Raine Liimakka (bs, voc), Riku Vallin (dr, bvoc),
Miika Kulmala (gtr)
1. The Lost Song (1´10) 2. Inquesting (1´23) 3.Too
Stupid (2´29) 4. Embrace This Message (0´39) 5. A
Root Of It All (2´03) 6. Classic (0´19) 7. Lyrically
Used (2´03) 8. Violent Substance (1´32) 9. Totally
Pure (1´45) 10. Just As Simply (0´35) 11. Talks Full
Of... (2´03).
MOTHER OF FEAR (demo 1991)
-Kaikki 12 kappaletta äänitetty ja miksattu 26 tunnissa
Turjanlinnassa maaliskuussa ´91. Äänitti ja miksasi
Pekka Männistö.
-Instrumenteissa: Raine (bs, voc), Riku (dr, voc), Jani Luoma
(gtr, keys), Miika Kulmala (gtr), Kevin Howell (guest voc)
1. Distinctly Jerk (1´32) 2. Waiting For What (2´33)
3. Nevermore (1´31) 4. Delight Disease (1´28) 5. The
Title Track (1´54) 6. Facts, Not Your Opinion (2´40)
7. Stressed (2´20) 8. Flushed (2´08) 9. Weird Thought
(2´48) 10. Stupid Needs A Leader? (3´00) 11. Compulsive
Liar (3´00) 12. Bad Taste (2´00).
PANX VINYL ZINE #11 kokoelma 7" (Ranska 1992)
-Uudelleen miksattu versio "Nevermore" kappaleesta.
MEET THE DOE BROTHERS (promo-tape 1992)
-Kuusi kappaletta äänitetty Porissa 23.-25.10.1992,
äänitys-asiantuntijana Pena.
-Instrumenteissa: Raine (voc, bs), Riku (dr, voc), Pentti Dassum
(gtr, voc)
1.Surrounding 2. Reincarnation Of Muthafukas 3. And It Hurts 4.
Closed Case 5. Sit Back And Laugh 6. Whatever.
RUNEBERGINKATU 8 kokoelma CD (Osku-001 1993)
-Kappale "Surrounding" promo sessiosta
PUBLICK LOST / CAN CAN HEADS -split 7" (Can-10, Trash Can Records
1994, 300kpl)
-Kappaleet "Whatever", "And It Hurts" ja "Closed
Case" promo sessiosta
SOUP IS AS GOOD FOOD - kokoelmakasetti (Ranska1994)
-Kappale "Reincarnation Of Muthafukas"
SONGS THAT TIME FORGOT 7" ep (Boing-10, Boing Being 1997, 300kpl)
-6 (+1) äänitetty Tampereen Omppustudiossa 11/97 Lampparin
ja Väiskin avustuksella.
-6 välikappaletta äänitetty go-go-nuts-4:ssa 10/97
-Instrumenteissa: Raine (bs), Riku (dr, voc), Timo Takala (gtr)
1. Fall Like Ted 1b. Kentaro Moto 2. The Leap Back 2b. Sheep 3.
Conversations With A Driller 3b. The Doe Brothers Visit Hell 4.
Five Star Ride 4b. The Great Rifle Review 5. Incident At Library
5b. Rhino 6. My Kinda Hitman 6b. All-Around (+7: The Gemini Theory)
YOU GO WHERE YOU BELONG 7" ep (Kusi-01, Kissankusi Records 2000, 100kpl)
-Äänitetty Tiilelässä 8-raiturilla 8/98, äänitti
Kai Kallio, miksasi Raine.
-Instrumenteissä: Raine (bs), Riku (dr), Timo (gtr)
1. Blocked 2. Thing Called Disgust 3. Valley Of Heartache 4. Maggots
Hate Sunshine 5. Indefinite Day 6. Exit.
-Äänitetty 10/2002 go-go-nuts-4.
-Instrumenteissä: Raine (bs), Riku (dr), Timo (gtr)
1. Dysfunctioned 2. Under Sloppiest Quality Control + 2
- Kappale 2 Tidididii tidididii-kokoelmalle 2003
Songs That Time Forgot -review
from ´99
"Prefer your tuneage sans vocal interruption? Our Finnish
Boing Being record label pals suggest In Walked Blank's 6-track
7" EP. Barreling through a Touch & Go-tinged, Don Caballero-styled
assault and battery, every tune here is a killer -- rock with
enough math embedded in it to keep your interest, but still blessed
with a few choice riffs that make everything come together into
a harmonious, noise-bliss. Few bands can make their tunes interesting
enough NOT to need vocals, but this trio lets the instruments
do all of the talking. -- am" |