30.6.2017 klo 18, Provinssi 2017, alue, Seinäjoki

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Avaruudessa Kasvaa Pituutta

Metri Painaa Kilon Kauhajoelta Suomesta, vähä kyllä Seinäjoeltakin. Perustettu alkuvuodesta 2016. Ei kitaraa: basso/rummut/laulu/urut vain. Musiikki jotain punkrokkia hipovaa, mutta välillähän touhu menee ihan kraut-rokiksi. Yksi kasetti ulkona "Avaruudessa Kasvaa Pituutta" ja samaa ainetta sijoitettu myös Bandcampiin Kissankusi Records-yhteyteen. Taustalla kummittelevat entiset ja nykyiset bändit: Valse Triste, Can Can Heads, MurhaMurhaItsemurha, Kehonrakentajat...

Metri Painaa Kilon from Finland, found early 2016. The band is doing some simple punk-rock oriented noise, but sometimes we almost end up playing kraut-rock. The short way. "Avaruudessa Kasvaa Pituutta" tape was released in the fall of 2016. Also available through Bandcamp. Bass, drums, vocals and keyboards are all we have to offer. Some bands from the past and present: Valse Triste, Can Can Heads, MurhaMurhaItsemurha, Kehonrakentajat...

pic: Maikki Kantola



 Raine (bs) Waski (voc) Jannu (dr) Toni (keys)

Menneet keikat:

24.3.2017 Kotibileet 2017, Seinäjoki
25.3.2017 Hulina Fest, Kokkola
15.4.2017 Vastavirta, Tampere
3.6.2017 Ketolaikka
30.8.2016 Puntala-Rock, Lempäälä
22.10.2016 Höstfest, Jyväskylä


contact: kissankusi (a) kissankusi. com 



Metri Painaa Kilon is, more or less, the core backing band of the legendary Can Can Heads. They share four members (only two sorry...:kgm) , although founders Tomi Nuotio and vocalist/world-class interpretive dancer Mikko Lehtonen have stepped aside to let them forge their own identity.

Gone are the improvisational aspects of their predecessors. In place comes tightly controlled exercises of an entirely different form of chaos than Can Can Heads trafficked in. This album is so tightly wound in its mission, and I find something in “Avaruudessa kasvaa pituutta” that’s desperately lacking in most noise rock specifically.

It’s indifferent to current Finnish musical trends. It’s certainly not AmRep-lite. There’s no Albini-worship. Production budget is shoestring, but I still do hear the influence of more polished noise rock. Or maybe I’m just hearing the remnants of Bad Vugum.

More folks need to hear this outside of faux-Scandinavia.
The band’s members were also in Valse Triste, Susi-Unto , and MurhaMurhaItsemurha.
Dusted & Social


With a no wave, no fucks given spirit, Metri Painaa Kilon’s “Avaruudessa Kasvaa Pituutta” defies near all possible categorization. The closest to this raw, unhinged energy level is Red Krayola’s “Soldier Talk”. Like that one, there is a discernible structure to the overall chaos though it only becomes apparent with multiple listens. Rhythms blast their way through with nary a thought given to ever slowing anything down. Metri Painaa Kilon let it all out, with a loose style and attention to riffs that focuses on a burrowing into the skull level of repetition.

Feedback introduces “intro” before they dive headfirst into the infectiously catchy spirit of “ihmisjäte”. On “ihmisjäte” a pop-like melody emerges out of the groove. The glimpse of a slight riff helps to guide the song forward even as the vocals are sung with gleeful abandon. Punk pours out of “järki” as the group veer back and forth between chaos and control. Nearly stripped down is the gritty rumble of “naksuu”. Hyperactive in tone is the keyboard led weaving of “pura”. Harshness of an Arab on Radar variety is the alarm-bell singing work of “rento”. Referencing free jazz is the loose “ystävä”. Bringing the album to a satisfying conclusion is the blur of “vedet”.

“Avaruudessa Kasvaa Pituutta” goes for the utmost oddest kind of delivery, one that stays with the listener long after the album is over, attesting to the power of Metri Painaa Kilon’s level of outright oddity.